How to use Super Juice Fertilizer
How often and when to apply?
Super Juice™ is used as a supplement to your current granular feeding program. If you don’t know what granular to use we recommend the new PGF Fertilizer.
We like to apply Super Juice™ every 1-3 weeks or so in the Spring at full strength, (14-2-4) then reduce to the lower ratio in the summer months.(warm season turf) Cool season lawns need treatments focused in the spring and fall. Golf courses understand that lower strength feedings, more often, and combined with a foliar application, yield some of the best results. 95% of golf greens are sprayed, and close to 70% of golf fairways are also sprayed. A 1/2 acre lawn can be sprayed in about 20 minutes.
How much SJ to use and how much water?
Foilar uptake of some nutrients can start in as little as one hour.
USGA (United States Golf Association) sponsored studies have shown the benefits and speed of foilar treatments on turf. Nitrogen as well as some other nutrients can start being absorbed in 1-4 hours. It has also shown that little to no run off occurs when applied in this manner. Also there is no OVER SPREADING onto sidewalks and driveways, which can then melt and run into storm drains.
→ Apply only during the GROWING season, spring to fall.
→ Spring soil temp of 65 degrees is the “quoted” common number or when 50% of you lawn is GREEN from new grass growth.
→ Apply in full strength during peak demand times, i.e. Spring on Bermuda Grass, and then reduce to 7-1-2 lower ratio.
→ Best application time is early evening. It’s never good to apply anything during the hottest times of the day.
→It’s best NOT to fertilize during extreme periods of heat and drought. Your lawn just wants to CHILL during these periods and not be pushed. That’s why granular fertilizers are a poor choice. YOU CAN’T PICK THEM UP ONCE THEY ARE DOWN. (READ THIS)
→ Cut Your lawn, make sure no rain is coming for 24 hours. Spray the lawn and you’re done. Leaving it on for 24 hours before any rain or watering allows for foilar uptake of some of the nutrients.
You’ll have an INSTANT color POP from the lawn dye and within 4-6 days you’ll see new, fine, lush growth start. If you have a creeping lawn, like Bermuda Grass, you’ll see runners starting to really growing in 2-4 weeks.
Can you mix other treatments in with Super Juice?
Yes. If it’s time to put down pre-emergent, fungicide, pest control, etc, you can mix it in with the Super Juice if the product is designed to be mixed with water. TEST FIRST: Make sure you test to see if the products you are adding mix well (play nice) with Super Juice prior to adding into a whole batch. It’s the whole “oil and water” thing you want to watch for. As of yet we have not seen any issues but test a small amount first.
Do I need to add anything else?
NO… that was the whole point of our SuperJuice journey this fall. Have a COMPLETE product, ready to go, simply add water.
How can I use as a supplement to my current granular?
If you like to use a certain granular fertilizer, then simply put it out at a 1/2 rate. Then spray the Super Juice at the 7-1-2 ratio mix. We STRONGLY suggest you do a TEST STRIP and watch the results over a 2 week period.
Can I use Super Juice AND the organic fertilizer together?
Yes, in fact our best results are found by putting down the organic, starting when soil temps reach about 60 degrees, then spraying with the Super Juice.
Does Super Juice have any waste products in it?
No…. None… No forms of human waste, animal waste, or bio waste.
Is it safe around pets and kids?
Yes, read the label. There’s nothing in Super Juice that is considered “toxic” to humans or animals.
Can a tank spray be used?
Regular tank sprayers generally have TINY holes for the liquid to pass through so you always run the risk of clogs. If it’s a large, commercial grade sprayer with a larger HOLE design, then yes as long as the material is screened well. These larger sprayers are usually fitted to riding equipment.